Leadership Job Description Page
SLEB Student Leadership Executive Board
1. Runs all Student Leadership Meetings (SLEB)
2. Presents Student Leadership reports to Band Directors once a week.
3. Gives Student Leadership updates at General Booster Meetings.
4. Represents Students to Administration and Communication
5. Oversees All Committees.
Vice President / Social Officer
1. Leads all social functions
2. Freshman Induction Ceremony
3. Potluck and Lock Inn
4. Alumni Band Organization
5. Band Banquet
Secretary / Treasure
1. Keeps accurate records of all SLEB meetings, and post them on the web site
2. In Charge of the Student Leadership page on the Keller Central Band website.
3. In charge of keeping accurate account status.
4. In charge of fundraising for social activities
- Communicates with School Announcements. (Must be in journalism or broadcasting)
- In charge of Student Leadership page’s pictures
- In charge of slide shows
- In charge of Alumni Newsletter
- All Library duties
- All coping responsibilities
- In charge of the band all maintenance.
- In charge of the cleaning committee’s