Hello Band Family
We have quite a few Board positions coming open this year. We need to voteon these positions next week at our General Booster Meeting, March 17.
Positions and responsibilities are as follows:
President: Supervise and control the business affairs of the Association.Serve as liaison between the Band Director and Association. Set the agenda and preside at all meetings of the Association and of the Executive Board. Be a member Ex-officio of all committees except the Nominating Committee. Perform other duties as may be prescribed in these bylaws or as assigned by the Association or its Executive Board.
Serve as Fundraising Coordinator for the Association. Act as aide to the President. Perform the duties of the President in his/her absence. Perform other duties as assigned.
Treasurer: Have custody of all Association funds. Keep accurate accounts
and records including bank statements and receipts of expenditures. Pay out Association funds only as authorized by this association and band director and in accordance with the budget adopted by this Association, the fiscal policies of the KISD, and general accounting principles. Sign on bank accounts. Pay all Association bills. Present a Statement of Account at every meeting of the Association. Submit accounts to be examined annually.
Catalogue the events and accomplishments of the KC High School Band by methods including, but not limited to Photographs, videos, and written documentation. Act as custodian of all records and materials pertinent to the history of the Association. Oversee the Association’s website and social media portals. Compile and keep a record of events and activities to be presented as the official history of KC Band.
Obtain membership of prospective parties throughout the year. Work with the Vice-President, or their assigned chairperson, to coordinate volunteers to staff fundraising opportunities. Serve as the volunteer coordinator to help provide a level of effort during marching, concert, and other performance seasons.
Color Guard:
New position, duties to be determined.
Officers who fill these positions will assume their official duties at the May General Membership meeting.
If you are interested in any of the following positions, or have any questions please contact Tiffany Schmelter 682-888-6015 or schumechan@att.net so that I can get your name listed as a potential volunteer for that position.