Keller Central Band
Trip Policies
We are pleased and honored to be taking this trip with the CHS Band students. This document is to help every student and parent understand what is acceptable on our trips. It is important to know that the students will be the responsibility of Keller Central band directors from the start to the end of the trip. Please help us in this matter by adhering to these guidelines for a safe and comfortable week.
General Guidelines
- This trip will be under KISD school guidelines even though we are not on campus.
- Treat the staff and chaperones exactly as you would the Band Directors. Disrespect will not be tolerated. If you feel a adult is out of line, see Mr. McNulty
- You are responsible for your own equipment and luggage. Make sure it gets loaded on the bus. Do not leave personal items unattended.
- No public of private displays of affection.
- Be on time and have what you need for each outing. Double check.
- Dress appropriately according to weather conditions and KISD policy.
- Act mature and use good judgment in public – we are all representing Keller Central High School.
- Theft and vandalism is totally unacceptable and will be dealt with back at Keller Central High School.
- The only people allowed in your rooms are your roommates; CHS band students of the same gender, your chaperone, the nurse, or one of the four Band Directors.
- Do not get into any vehicle other than authorized CHS Band vehicles, even if it belongs to your family.
- Only take one suitcase, garment bag, and one carry on.
- Stay within the boundaries established by the Directors at each site.
- Serious trip violations may mean loss of privileges, or, worst-case scenario, being sent home at your parent’s expense.
Bus Guidelines
- We will have five 57-passenger busses, an emergency vehicle and our equipment trucks.
- Sit in the seats you signed up for in order to expedite roll check.
- Do not undress on the bus. Use the restroom, your hotel room, or the stadium bathrooms.
- Please do not ask to trade busses once the list is final.
- You may bring movies. They must be rated PG-13 or cleaner. Avoid getting in arguments by watching a variety of movies.
- Please be quiet for roll check. With a seating chart it should not take very long.
- Use trash bags and pick up spills immediately after they occur.
- All Drinks need to have a cap on top. (No Cans)
Hotel Guidelines
- Curfew violations are very serious offenses. Your safety is top priority on this trip. We will tape the doors after curfew. Chaperones will stay up all night roaming the halls. Any altered tape will be considered a curfew violation and the Band Directors will be notified immediately.
- Please keep the noise level down inside the hotel. The walls are thin and we could be disturbing the other guests. This would include the volume of the television in your room.
- The rooms will be checked for damage on a daily basis. Wrestling and other horseplay should be avoided in order to cut the risk of breakage. Students will pay for damages and may be sent home immediately at your parent’s expense.
- Keep your doors locked at all times. Do not prop the doors open to avoid damage. Always use a key. Remember who can and cannot be in your room.
- The hotel is not responsible for valuables left in the room. Money should not be left unattended.
- Have your room key with you at all times. Lost keys may cost money.
- Coed visitation is not allowed in the hotel rooms. The first violation of this will be considered a major offense. You may be sent home immediately. If the boys and girls rooms are on different floors, do not even venture on to the wrong floor. You can communicate through the phone.
- Keep your room picked up in order not to lose items.
- Movies and outgoing telephone calls will not be available. Your parents may call into the hotel.
- Please be aware of the boundaries set by the Directors.
Audience Etiquette
- Be courteous during performances. You may talk while bands are entering or leaving the field.
- Feel free to clap at appropriate moments throughout the show. This is different than a concert.
- Talk between performances. Do not make the shhhh sound. It only brings negative attention to our group.
- Although we welcome your enthusiasm, try not to make a huge scene in front of the other groups. This is poor sportsmanship. You may see examples of this next weekend. That is not what we want to do.
- Be polite to members of the other schools. The Directors will certainly be polite to the other Directors, because we know most of them. People do notice the polite bands and the rude ones. This includes the actions of parents.
Things not to Have
- Cigarettes
- Alcohol
- Drugs – prescription drugs must be held by one of our nurses, This is a major liability area. Students should take their medications in the presence of the nurse. Do not give any of your medication to another student. This includes aspirin. This is against school policy.
- Water guns, water balloons, or any other prank items.
- Adults must act as if they are on campus in regards to alcohol, etc.